Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Ikubaru's Blogzia-Kalian lagi belajar Bahasa Inggris dan kebetulan lagi membahas Pola Tenses dalam Passive Voice? Wahh.. Kebetulan nih Ikubaru's Blogzia akan membahasnya. Menurut kalian bagaimana sih materi Passive Voice ini, mungkin ada yang berpendapat sulit ya, atau juga ada yang berpendapat menarik. Pada dasarnya ga ada yang sulit kok sob kalo kita mau fokus mempelajarinya.


Sebelum jauh membahas mengenai Passive Voice mari kita pelajari dasar tata bahasanya. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia SUBJEK dalam Kalimat Aktif ialah PELAKU dan menjadi OBJEK ialah PENDERITA. Dalam Kalimat Pasif berlaku kebalikannya, yang menjadi SUBJEK ialah PENDERITA dan OBJEK ialah PELAKU-nya, namun disertai dengan perubahan imbuhan pada PREDIKAT. Simplenya seperti dibawah ini:

Subjeknya ialah SAYA
Predikat ialah MENENDANG
Objeknya ialah BOLA

Subjeknya ialah BOLA
Predikat ialah DITENDANG
Objeknya ialah SAYA

Dari contoh diatas bisa kita tahu ada perubahan Subjek dan Objeknya. Selain itu juga ada perubahan dalam Imbuhan Predikatnya dari me- dalam Kalimat Aktif menjadi di- dalam Kalimat Pasif dan diberi penambahan oleh sebelum objek.


Nah bagaimana dengan Kalimat Aktif (Active Voice) dan Kalimat Pasif (Passive Voice) dalam Bahasa Inggris? Ga berbeda jauh dengan Bahasa Indonesia, dalam Bahasa Inggris juga mengikuti pola tersebut, namun dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki Pola sendiri di tiap kalimatnya, yang kita kenal dengan TENSES.

Untuk mempermudah Pemahaman Tenses ada baiknya sobat simak Artikel Ikubaru's Blogzia berikut ini:

Secara dasar Kalimat Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris memang ga jauh beda dengan Bahasa Indonesia, hanya saja yang membedakan pada Tenses yang digunakan dan Verba (Kata Kerja) yang dipakai. Dalam Passive Voice kata kerja yang dipakai ialah selalu Verba 3 (Kata Kerja Ketiga). Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita simak CIRI-CIRI PASSIVE VOICE:
  1. Semua kalimat dalam Passive Voice menggunakan Verb ke 3 (V3).
  2. Bentuk Kata Kerja dalam Active Voice akan menambah Particle dalam Passive Voice, misal:
    • V1 menjadi +be
      • Active Voice: They will eat hamburger (Simple Future)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger will be eaten by them
    • V2 menjadi +was/were
      • Active Voice: They ate hamburger (Simple Past)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger was eaten by them

    • V3 menjadi +been
      • Active Voice: They had eaten hamburger (Past Perfect)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger had been eaten by them
    • Ving menjadi being
      • Active Voice: They will be eating hamburger (Future Continuous)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger will be being eaten by them.
    • V1 s/es menjadi to be present (is, am, are)
      • Active Voice: They eats hamburger (Simple Present)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger is eaten by them.
  3. Terakhir, ciri Perfect Continuous  selalu ditambahkan +been being
    • S + has/have + been being + V3 + by + O (Present Perfect Continuous)
    • S + had + been being + V3 + by + O (Past Perfect Continuous)
    • S + will/shall + have + been being + V3 + by + O (Future Perfect Continuous)
    • S + should/would + have + been being + V3 + by + O (Past Future Perfect Continuous)
Untuk lebih jelasnya Sobat bisa simak di:

Untuk Contoh sebagian sudah ada diatas. Secara Konsep dapat dilhat pada Gambar dibawah ini (Klik apabila kurang jelas).

Sebagai Latihan coba sobat kerjakan Latihan Soal Passive Voice Berikut ini, ubahlah Active Voice menjadi Passive Voice:
  1. [ACT. VOICE] Surya will going to school. [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  2. [ACT. VOICE] Mr. Stuart was going to Germany Yesterday. [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  3. [ACT. VOICE] She does her homework at school [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  4. [ACT. VOICE] Hayashi will be going to Japan [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  5. [ACT. VOICE] Mr. Sven have gone to North Pole. [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  6. [ACT. VOICE] I printed this report for my boss. [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  7. [ACT. VOICE] The Nurse was walking to the room, while I arrived in this room yet [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  8. [ACT. VOICE] I would be respect you along you're respecting of me. [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  9. [ACT. VOICE] I'm graduate on Mathematics Lesson [PASS. VOICE] = ?
  10. [ACT. VOICE] I have watched this film until I'm Bored [PASS. VOICE] = ?

Masih semangat, sekarang ubah Passive Voice dibawah ini menjadi Active Voice :
  1. [PASS. VOICE] The "Upin Ipin Show" has been watched by me. [ACT. VOICE] =?
  2. [PASS. VOICE] The Japan will be visited by me  [ACT. VOICE] =?
  3. [PASS. VOICE] The Bussiness Theory was learned by Sarah. [ACT. VOICE] =?
  4. [PASS. VOICE] The Paper Clip is throwed by Mr. Yuki. [ACT. VOICE] =?
  5. [PASS. VOICE] The Faboulus Bag has been seen by them. [ACT. VOICE] =?
  6. [PASS. VOICE] On White Paper, The love letter was being written by Agus  [ACT. VOICE] =?
  7. [PASS. VOICE] Japanese language had been translated by Mr. Satoshi. [ACT. VOICE] =?
  8. [PASS. VOICE] The Andrea Hirata Novel of "Laskar Pelangi" has been being read by us [ACT. VOICE] =?
  9. [PASS. VOICE] Mr. Andra was called by the boss. [ACT. VOICE] =?
  10. [PASS. VOICE] In The Show, Bohemian Rhapsody should be sang by him" [ACT. VOICE] =?
Bagaimana? Menari atau susah? Pastikan mencoba dahulu baru menilai!

Semangat terus untuk belajar, jangan lupa kritik dan sarannya ya lewat Komentar FB saja. Beri tahu pada kami jika ada soal yang kurang tepat menurut sobat dan berikan alasannya

Mari kita belajar bersama-sama, admin juga harus belajar dari sobat!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Ikubaru's Blogzia-Selamat Siang kawan, masih tetap semangat menjalani Shaum Ramadhan, ga terasa sudah memasuki hari ke-19. Bagaimana Shaum Ramadhan kalian, pasti sukses selama 19 hari ini toh. Di Bulan Ramadhan ini ada suatu peristiwa yang membuat kita sedih, mungkin juga marah. Beberapa hari yang lalu terjadi serangan Israel ke negeri Palestina yang mengakibatkan ratusan jiwa penduduk Palestina Wafat dengan Syahid, termasuk anak-anak dan Para Ibu.

Memang sungguh miris sekali peristiwa ini sehingga membuat warga dunia mengecam Agresi Militer Israel ke Palestina, namun rupanya belum ada tindak lanjut dari negara-negara Arab untuk meredam Agresi yang dianggap sebagai "Pelanggaran HAM berat" ini. Bahkan Israel pun enggan untuk melakukan gencatan senjata dengan Palestina. 

Mari kita doakan agar saudara kita di Palestina dapat selalu kuat dalam menghadapi Agresi Israel ini dan juga Tanah Palestina dapat kembali damai tanpa agresi militer dan rasa ingkar janji dari gencatan senjata. Aamiin.

Berkaitan dengan Penderitaan saudara kita di Palestina, sebuah lagu diciptakan mengingatkan warga dunia untuk sadar akan situasi Gaza, Palsetina pada saat Agresi Militer. Lagu ini diciptakan dan dinyanyikan oleh Michael Heart. 

Mari kita simak lirik lagunya, cekidooot!!

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Ikubaru's Blogzia-Bahasa Inggris bukan merupakan bahasa asing bagi kalian kan? Yaps.. Bahasa Inggris banyak digunakan ketika berbicara dengan orang asing, selain itu juga seiring perkembangan zaman dan teknologi mendorong orang-orang berkompetisi tidak hanya dengan orang-orang dalam negeri saja, akan tetapi juga mulai berkembangan dengan orang luar negeri. Hal inilah mendorong Bahasa Inggris menjadi wajib untuk dapat dikuasai agar dalam berkomunikasi menjadi lancar.
Nah, bagi para anak-anak SMA yang baru mau lulus SMA dan berniat untuk melanjutkan studi ke Perguruan Tinggi tak ada salahnya memilih Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris. Mengapa harus Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris? Karena Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris merupakan salah satu Jurusan yang memiliki prospek yang luas dalam dunia karir.

Propek Karier yang dimiliki oleh Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris ialah sebagai berikut:
  1. Penerjemah, baik penerjemah perfilman hingga pada penerjemah dalam lingkungan perusahaan
  2. Jurnalis di berbagai media massa
  3. Editor
  4. Public Relations Officer
  5. Sekretaris
  6. Communication Consultant
  7. Staff di Perusahaan Multinasional
  8. Penyiar Radio maupun televisi
  9. Staff Pengajar baik di Perguruan Tinggi, Sekolah, hingga English Course
  10. dan lain sebagainya.
Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris merupakan salah satu jurusan yang tergabung dalam Fakultas Sastra bersama Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra lainnya. Beberapa perguruan tinggi menggabungkan Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris kedalam Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya (FISIB) bersama Ilmu Komunikasi.


Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris tidak hanya sebatas pada konsentrasi penerjemahan saja (translations), tetapi juga memiliki konsentrasi lain yang dapat mendukung pembelajarnya handal dalam bidang Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris. Konsentrasi Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris ialah sebagai berikut:
  1. Penerjemahan
    Konsentrasi Penerjemahan (translations) memfokuskan pembelajarnya pada skill lisan dan tulisan dalam hal interpreting dalam bidang human interest (hubungan antar manusia), sosial budaya, ekonomi, bussiness legal, serta dalam penulisan maupun riset ilmiah pengetahuan penerjemahan.
  2. Kesusasteraan
    Konsetrasi Kesusasteraan memfokuskan pembelajarnya pada analisis karya-karya Sastra Inggris, seperti prosa, puisi, drama, film, lagu populer dan klasik. Para pembelajarnya juga akan dibekali ilmu yang mendukung perspektif analisis, seperti Psikologi, Sosiologi linguistik, dan filsafat kesusasteraan.
  3. Linguistik
    Konsentrasi Linguistik memfokuskan pembelajarnya dalam mendalami tata bahasa inggris melalui pemahaman semantics, sosiolinguistic, psycholinguistic, syntax. Pemahaman-pemahaman ini tentu akan mendukung dalam bidang linguitik terapan di dunia karir seperti,  public speaking, report writing on english, brodcasting, serta learning process.
Sumber Gambar:

Friday, September 6, 2013


Pernahkah kalian pernah kesulitan dalam "menghapal" Tenses? Tentu kita semua pernah toh mengalaminya. Bahkan di ujian pun terkadang kita salah meuliskan tenses dalam kalimat, sampe nilainya ga pas sama KKM hehe.. (pengalaman). Ok, tahukah kalian bahwa dalam mempelajari Tenses itu kita harus tahu dahulu cara-caranya agar kita dapat lebih mengerti. Nah, coba deh sobat liat artikel saya yang ini: Konsep Memahami 16 Tenses (Sekaligus)

Dari memahami konsep dasar Tenses tentu kita bisa membuat kalimat-kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kalimat yang dibuat bisa berbentuk Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif), maupun Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif). Kali ini Ikubaru's Blogzia akan membahas bagaimana cara memahami Passive Voice Tenses. Untuk memperjelas bagaimana pola kalimat Tenses dalam bentuk Passive Voice. Yuk kita lihat gambar dibawah ini. (Kalau Kurang jelas, klik gambarnya)

Ada beberapa keunikan dalam pola kalimat Tenses Passive Voice, yakni sebagai berikut:
  1. Semua kalimat dalam Passive Voie menggunakan Verb ke 3 (V3).
  2. Bentuk Kata Kerja dalam Active Voice akan menambah Particle dalam Passive Voice:
    • V1 menjadi +be
      • Active Voice: They will eat hamburger (Simple Future)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger will be eaten by them
    • V2 menjadi +was/were
      • Active Voice: They ate hamburger (Simple Past)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger was eaten by them
    • V3 menjadi +been
      • Active Voice: They had eaten hamburger (Past Perfect)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger had been eaten by them
    • Ving menjadi being
      • Active Voice: They will be eating hamburger (Future Continuous)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger will be being eaten by them.
    • V1 s/es menjadi to be present (is, am, are)
      • Active Voice: They eats hamburger (Simple Present)
      • Passive Voice: The hamburger is eaten by them.
  3. Terakhir, ciri Perfect Continuous  selalu ditambahkan +been being
    • S + has/have + been being + V3 + by + O (Present Perfect Continuous)
    • S + had + been being + V3 + by + O (Past Perfect Continuous)
    • S + will/shall + have + been being + V3 + by + O (Future Perfect Continuous)
    • S + should/would + have + been being + V3 + by + O (Past Future Perfect Continuous)
Bagaimana menarik bukan cara memahami Passive Voice Tenses. Yaa.. Awalnya memang terasa sulit, akan tetapi jika kita terus memahaminya, Insya Allah pasti cepat bisa menguasainya.

Semoga bermanfaat ya!!

Bagi Sobat yang yang ingin mencari Contoh dan Latihan Soal, Sobat dapat simak di:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Kali ini Ikubaru's Blogzia akan mempos Artikel Cerpen Bahasa Inggris yang diambil dari tugas Cerpen Bahasa Inggris kelas X saya dahulu.

A Friendly likes cocoon and A love likes tadpole

Persahabatan bagaikan Kepompong, dan Cinta bagaikan Kecebong 


The sun was appearing the light. The city situation was crowding about people activity. In Alibels school looked a busy in the morning. In round of school, Nani, Nina, Eka, Uphie, and Alice is the member of “The Cuties Girls (TCG)” came with crowd. 

TCG are the woman group with 5 woman member. The leader of group is Nani and Nina. They are twin sister, but, they character was different. Rina is a shy woman. And Rani is a aggressive woman. Different with Rani or Rina, Alice is a narcissist girl. Two again, Eka and Uphie. They are mocked other TCG member frequently.

All TCG member are fans of Prince of Tennis. They loved all about Prince of Tennis. They are very fanatic about Ryoma Echizen. It caused, Ryoma Echizen was very handsome and cool boy. He also a Japanese tennis champion.

“Ka, Do you have a newest prince of tennis comic, don’t you?” said Nina.
“No, I don’t have. I just have 19th series only. Do you have, Uphie?” Said Eka.
“Hmm,,, same too” Said Uphie.
“Hey, girls.. I have good Idea. In this Saturday, We will go to Zexen bookshop, we will buy newest the prince of tennis comic. Do you have a time to there?” said Nani.
“Maybe I can’t! Because I'm very busy about my activity, I wanted to photo shooting, fans conference about my fans, and many more.” Said Alice with her narcissist.
“Ya.. ya.. I'm know, you're photo shooting for a animal magazine next month and fans conference in the zoo, he,,he” Said Uphie mocked Alice.
“It’s very exactly, Lice. he,,he” Said Eka added mock Alice.
“You just only envy to me” Said Alice while holded up her uniform collar.
“No, We don’t envy to you. It’s true, isn’t you, he,,he?” Said Uphie added mock to Alice.
They are arrived in classroom. In Classroom has crowded with other class occupant. And the bell rang signaling students must entered the classroom immediately. First lesson is English. The lesson of their class guardian, Mrs. Alista. Today, TCG class was arrived a new student from Japan. His name is Ryoma Takashima.
“Good Morning! My Students! How are you today?” said Mrs. Alista while smiling to students.
“We are fine, thanks!” said all students.
“We have new student from Japan. This him! Come here, Ryoma!” said Mrs. Alista called Ryoma to entered to class.
“Ohayou Gozimasu. Good morning! My name is Ryoma Takashima. I’m From Nikuya High School, Hokkaido, Japan. Nice to meet you.” Said Ryoma Takashima.
“Wow!!! He is so handsome! I like your face!” Said Nani in her heart while looked Ryoma’s face.
“Please, sit down! You are sitting down about Nani in there” Said Mrs. Alista.
“Thanks, Mrs.” Said Ryoma
“Yes.. Thanks God! Finally, I'm sitting about Ryoma! Uchhh.. I’m so happy” said Nani just in her heart.
“Uchhh..  why must Nani?” Said Alice, annoyed.
“Hi, What’s your name?” Said Ryoma to Nani.
“My name is Nani Septianingrum.” Answer Nani.
“My name is Ryoma. Nice to meet you, Nani.” Said Ryoma.
“Wow.. I’m so lucky. He is so cool. He looking like Ryoma Echizen, my favorite comic personage.” Said Nani heart.
“May I know, where you stay a while?” asked Nani to Ryoma.
“I stayed a while in Jasmine park student dormitory with other exchange students. By the way, Where you lived, Nani?” Answer Ryoma.
“Oh.. I lived near from here, on the order of 1,3 km to north” Said Nani.
When break time, TCG  gathered and sit in the school park while eat snack.
“Nan, Ryoma very close with you, While he was talking about you.” Said Eka.
“Yes, He talked everything with me. And actually. He is handsome and cool boy. I believed it.” Said Nani.
“What are you talking about with him?” Said Alice, jealous.
“He told when he was schooled at Japan and he also gave me his address.” Said Nani again.
“Where he lived?” Said Nina.
“He is stayed a while on Jasmine Park student dormitory with other exchange students. I think he is looking like Ryoma Echizen" Said Nani while cheerful at remember event a time ago.
“Just same with his name, Ryoma! Did he like tennis?” Said Uphie.
“He like tennis but not like Ryoma Echizen till became a Japanese tennis champion.” Said Nani.

And when they eaten our snack, appeared Ryoma while walked to canteen. Then, Nani called him.
“hI.. Ryoma, come here! We want talk something with you.” Said Nani
“Hi, Friends. Good Morning. What happened, Nani?” Said Ryoma.
“I want introduce my friend to you. It’s Eka, It’s Uphie, It’s my Twin sister, Nina. And It’s Alice.” Said Rani introduced her friends to Ryoma.
“Hi, good morning! I’m Ryoma Takashima. Nice to meet you.” Said Ryoma.
“This Saturday, We will go to bookshop to buy a comic, will you follow me?” said Alice.
“Hmm.. Okay, What will you buy the comic?” said Ryoma.
“We will buy the newest comic of “the prince of tennis”.” Said Nani.
“Owh. I just like it.” Said Ryoma.
“Really?” Said Nani.
“Yes, I like this comic since first chapter on Japanese language.” Said Ryoma.
When they in Zexen bookshop, they entered quickly.
“What will we buy after we will buy comic?” ask Nani. “Maybe I will buy Hunterxhunter comic and a mini dictionary.” Said Uphie.
“And you, Ryoma?” said Nani.
“I will buy Hunterxhunter comic.” Said Ryoma.
“You like also hxh, don’t you?” Said Uphie.
“yes.. I do.” Said Ryoma.

When in cashier, they  was putting their item to cashier table.
“8 comic and 1 mini dictionary.” Said Nani.
“129,000 rupiahs” said cashier.
“May I paid all item, please?” said Ryoma.
“No, You don't need bother” Said Nani.
"No, I just paid all item, okay!” said Ryoma.
“Oh, Thanks!” Said Nani.

Two month later, when break time came. And when TCG will buy snack in canteen. Nani is forgetting bring his pocket. So, she back again to class. When she arrived in classroom, she looked Ryoma is alone. And Ryoma called Rani.
“Nani, May I talking something to you?” said Ryoma.
“Yes, of course. What happened?” said Nani.
“I’m sorry if I made your angry. I feel I’m happy about you. I like your character.  Maybe. I’m sorry. Nani, what do you want to became my sweetheart?” said Ryoma while hold Nani hands.
“Upss.. I'm confused.. Hmm.. Okay..  I want to become to your sweetheart.” Said Nani.
“Really, oh! Thanks. May I say  "I love you".. hehe?” Said Ryoma.

A day later, Alice wanted to buy a drink in the canteen. While in the canteen, she is meeting Ryoma. Alice have a good idea to reveal his feelings to Ryoma.
"Hmm.. Hi Ryoma.. What are you doing here?" Said Alice to Ryoma.
"Ehh.. I was studying last lesson. What's up, lice?" Said Ryoma.
"Hmm.. I just wanna you know that I like about your personality, Hmm. Maybe I love you.. Upss. Sorry!" Shoot Alice to Ryoma.
"Ehh.. I understand about your feeling to me, but I'm sorry, Alice. I already have a girlfriend." Said Ryoma.
"Oh ya.!! You already a girlfriend? Who is she?" Said Alice shocked.

A few later, Nani come to Canteen. She is looked Alice and Ryoma there. 
"Hi.. Honey. Ehh.. Alice.. what's gonna do? I think you was talking seriously. hehe" Said Nani called Ryoma and Alice.
"Honey? What do you mean?" Said Alice added surprised.
"Oh yaa.. I forgot tell about you that I and Ryoma have been dating yesterday" Said Nani told to Alice.
"Dating?" Said Alice shocked.

Then, Alice cried and go to class. In the class, Alice met Nina, Eka, dan Uphie
"What's happened, Alice? Why are you crying? Tell me?" Said Nina.
"Say to your twin sister. I hate her." Said Alice while cried.
"What's happened it? I'm not understand?" Said Nina confused.

Then, Nani came to class without Ryoma. She went to Alice to explain the her relationship about Ryoma.
"Alice, I'm sorry. I know you also loved Ryoma. In the canteen, Ryoma was telling to me that you wanted to
express your feelings to him." Said Nani.
"So, what do you want now?" Said Alice while tears.
"I ended the relationship about Ryoma for the sake of our friendship. I don't want to our friendship destroy because there are triangle love amoung us. I'm very dont want to." Said Nani with tears also.
"And, how about Ryoma?" said Eka.
"Ryoma was understanding about it. He also don't want to be a destroyer of our friendship" Said Nani.
"I'm understand about your feeling. But Friendly always beautiful if we know, and a love not always beautiful likes friendly. So keep your friendly. Don’t till friendly destroy, because a love." Said Eka
appease Alice and Nani.

And, Alice and Nani was forgiving each other and started their friendship again.

Created by: Ryano Ikubaru Novryanto (Iqbal Novryanto, 2009)

Monday, June 24, 2013


Hayoo.. Kalian lagi kebingungan pas belajar Bahasa Inggris toh! Apalagi tenses-nya, wow pasti ribet banget musti apalin satu-satu polanya.. hehe. Ya saya juga pernah ngalamin kok ampe males belajar tenses, bahkan dulu teman saya yang 'anggap' saja sudah sering nyerocos bahasa inggris punya kelemahan dalam memahami 16 tenses. wow..

Memang tenses terkadang membuat kita ribet sendiri dalam mempelajarinya. Tapi tahukah kalian bahwa kenapa kita rasanya sulit banget belajar tenses ya? Hmm.. mungkin kita belum paham bener konsep dasar dari tenses tersebut.

Sebelum masuk ke pola kalimat, coba kita cek konsep apa saja yang dipake dalam tenses, dan bagaimana cirinya:
      • Kata kerja yang dipakai ialah Verb 1 (V1), kecuali pada Past  memakai Verb 2 (V2) dan Present dengan penambahan 's/es' sesudah kata kerja, contoh: Go => Goes.
      • Kata kerja yang dipakai ialah Verb1-ing (Ving)
      • Pemakaian Tobe Present (am, are, is) pada Present Continuous.
      • Pemakaian Tobe Past (was, were) pada Past Continuous.
      • Penambahan Auxillary Verb 'be' setelah kata shall/will pada Future Continuous dan 'should/would' pada Past Future Continuous.
      • Kata kerja yang dipakai ialah Verb3 (V3)
      • Memakai Auxillary Verb 'have/has' (Present Perfect),
      • Memakai Auxillary Verb 'had' (Past Perfect)
      • Memakai Auxillary Verb 'have/has' setelah shall/will (Future Perfect), contoh "will be"
      • Memakai Auxillary Verb 'have/has' setelah should/would (Future Perfect), contoh "should be"
      •  Kata kerja yang dipakai ialah Verb1-ing (Ving) (Ciri Continuous)
      • Susunan kalimatnya sama seperti Perfect, hanya saja ditambahkan Auxillary Verb 'been', contoh: I have been eating Pizza
      • Menunjukkan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat sekarang dan dalam jangka  berdekatan
      •  Menunjukkan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat lampau
      • Menunjukkan kejadian yang terjadi pada saatyang akan datang, ditandai dengan penambahan Will
      • Menunjukkan kejadian yang terjadi pada saatlamapu akan tetapi masih berlangsung hingga mendatang, ditandai dengan penambahan Should (I, You, They, We) dan Would (She, he, It).

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